rich dad poor dad

Niklas Goeke – Entrepreneur and Author

Niklas Goeke is a 23 year old German student, aspiring marketing entrepreneur and author of the book How to google – the Ultimate Guide to finding everything! Every day he tries to take a step out of his comfort zone  which in his eyes is always a step towards happiness. He uses this mentality to help others in his work as a personal coach  These are his good things.

Good things to read

Managing Oneself. Peter F. Drucker is often called the founder of modern management. I’m not surprised. I don’t think I have ever learned more about myself from 60 tiny pages than when reading this book. Drucker suggests you ask yourself a few simple questions, in order to determine how you perform best. He also encourages you to share the insight you gain with anyone whom you choose to cooperate with. Some people, for example, might be readers, not listeners, thus rendering it useless talking to them for 2 hours, when all they really need to understand you, is a piece of paper with 10 bullet points. This book changed the way I learn and work dramatically. I highly recommend the audiobook (if you happen to be a listener). It is just 45 minutes long and I have listened to it multiple times on longer drives in the car.
Rich Dad Poor Dad. I got this book as a gift. I didn’t know the author, Robert T. Kiyosaki, before, but someone very successful recommended this book to me, so I thought I’d give it a try. I didn’t read this book, I ate it. I read it cover to cover within less than 5 days. This is the best book to get you started on personal finance. It uses storytelling to show the difference between having an investor mentality of acquiring assets and having a consumer mentality of spending all your income. Robert uses simple graphics to explain income statements and balance sheets and shows you the beginnings of having your money work for you instead of working for money yourself.
On the shortness of life. Whenever I read a page in this book, I marvel at Seneca. It takes a lot to write something that is just as relevant in 2000 years, as it was at the time you wrote it. He argues that life is actually quite long and a substantial amount has been given to all of us – we just waste most of it. Why are you stingy with money you can always make back, but let everyone take up your time most willingly? Often so little of life is truly lived, the rest is merely time. A clear lesson: Don’t keep yourself busy with things you will not remember, but make the most of each day!

Good things to watch

Fed Up. A great movie about the food industry from 2014. I like how it doesn’t promote any singular lifestyle, such as veganism or paleo, but focuses more on the root of a lot of problems: processed sugar. It shows you how you have been manipulated and how hard it is to escape a lot of the common misconceptions about what food is healthy and what isn’t. In the end you are also proposed with a simple solution that you can start implementing today.
How to get things done and stop sucking your thumb. A great video by one of my favorite guys online, Tai Lopez. Take the challenge of not procrastinating on small things for a week. Look at all outside requests like small bullets shot at you, which you must deflect instantly, either by getting things done right away, or delegating/not doing them at all.
Ocean’s Eleven. I can watch this movie 100 times over and still love it. I always learn something about the balance between being a gentleman and a badass, how to talk more eloquently and I sure as hell always laugh my ass off.

Good things to use

Dropbox. Originally I was going to put my macbook here. But after thinking about it, it’s really more Dropbox, that holds my entire life in a folder. Of course I use my macbook for web, writing and recreation, but if it broke today, I could just get any other laptop, and be set up again within minutes. I have it fairly neatly organized and save all my writing and projects there, so I can access them from anywhere. Bump up your space by doing some of the things suggested here.
My feet. I really like to walk. I don’t own a bicycle. I take the car or public transport for long distances, but everything that’s within 30 minutes of walking, I walk to. Every step counts. I also often choose to stand while working, because my shoulders and arms start to hurt if I sit down typing for too long.
Cold showers. It’s amazing how hardwired comfort has become into our brains. It’s time to toughen up! Not only do cold showers come with great health benefits (testosterone for guys, it closes your pores after cleaning and makes your skin less vulnerable, makes you more resistant, boosts your immune functions, and can even be used to accelerate weight loss), but also do they boost confidence beyond anything else I have seen. Go in as a wimp, come out as a winner. This transforms my entire day. Forget coffee, this will wake you up. After you’ve done this, no matter what the day brings, you’ll feel confident, prepared and already have a small win in the bank, which no one can take away from you. If I can do it, so can you!
Connect with Niklas on Twitter, @niklasgoeke, if you want to talk about learning and self-improvement, marketing, or just say hello!

Jeet Banerjee – Entrepreneur

Jeet Banerjee is a serial entrepreneur, having started StatFuse and Visionary Media Group. He’s also given a TEDx Talk. These are his good things.

Good things to read.

The Millionaire Fastlane, MJ DeMarco.

Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki. every morning.

Good things to watch.

Shark Tank.

The Wolf of Wall Street.


Good things to use. Simplifies my social media life by making it easy for me to manage the multiple accounts I have.

Wunderlist. Reminder style app that allows you to create lists, organize priorities and get stuff done efficiently.

My Fitness Pal. Keeps me healthy and in-shape by giving me in-depth analysis on the food I eat.

Connect with Jeet on Twitter, @TheJeetBanerjee.

Daniel Wagner – Father, Entrepreneur, Thinking Cap

Daniel Wagner is a budding entrepreneur, father of four beautiful children, and inspired by anything that crosses his field of vision. New to the ideology of peaceful parenting, he blogs as a new peaceful parent at Parent of Progress. On his blog, he offers a father’s perspective during the difficult transition from authoritarian parenting to a non-coercive, non-violent parenting style. These are his good things.

Good things to read.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. When I tell people that this book changed my life, I am not exaggerating. This book was literally the catalyst that sparked my desire to learn everything I could about running a business and how money works. The author, Robert Kiyosaki, compares the mindsets of the rich versus the middle class and poor, giving strong examples to drive hope the point that success is a result of proper mindsets.

No More Mondays by Dan Miller. The title says it all. This book offers an actionable methodology for ridding yourself of the Monday dread you feel at the beginning of each week. Do you hate the whole nine-to-five drag that most of us suffer through each week? Get inspired with this book as well as another of his books, 48 Days to the Work You Love.

What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles. This job hunt strategy workbook was incredibly enlightening for me. Unlike any other of its kind, Mr. Bolles rewrites this entire book from the ground up each year and focuses on current strategies that work. My favorite reason for recommending this is because roughly the first half of the book focuses on getting to know who you are and what kind of work environments you would be best suited for. Not only does he help you find a job, but he helps you see a path toward getting the job/career of your dreams!

Good things to watch.

Stefan Molyneux’s “Facts about Spanking.”  This video is incredibly powerful, showcasing the best anti-spanking arguments with empirical evidence to back up each point. This video was the catalyst for the ideology behind my new peaceful parenting website. I used to be pro-spanking, but now I have learned way too much; and as a result, I now have a moral obligation to never turn back again.

Radioactive – Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix (Imagine Dragons Cover). As far as cover songs with video go, this has to be the best one I’ve seen by far. I can’t even fathom what the production costs must’ve been. Basically, these guys (and girls) nailed it. Acapella group, Pentatonix teamed up with dub step violinist Lindsey Stirling, put on some epic post-apocalyptic outfits, and rocked out in the desert—a must see!

Step-By-Step WordPress Tutorial by James Stafford. This tutorial was awesome help; especially when I was new to the wordpress game. Mr. Stafford takes you on a step-by-step process for setting up your website. Easy to follow and implement. I followed this video from start to finish and within a couple hours, I had a great looking and fully functional website, ready and waiting for me to start adding content.

Good things to use. Website Analysis Tool. This is one of those, “I can’t believe it’s actually free” tools by entrepreneur Neil Patel. If you own/operate a website, this is a must have gauge for how well your search engine optimization and page load speeds are performing. The amount of detail this free report gives you about your site is unreal; not to mention the page looks aesthetically phenomenal.

Kinekt Gear Ring. This awesome stainless steel piece of men’s jewelry now has a permanent place on the ring finger of my left hand. The first time I saw this ring, I knew I had to have it as my wedding band. It has fully functional gears on the inside that actually move when you spin the outer edge of it. The only modification I had to make was to bevel the inner edges to make it a bit more comfortable for long-term wear; only cost about twenty bucks to get that modification at a jeweler.

TikTok Multi-Touch Watch Band for iPod Nano 6g. Do you own the generation six iPod Nano? You know—the little square one with the touch screen? If you do, get this watch band. It’s a good price and a great way to protect your precious music player. Plus, I couldn’t even tell you how many compliments I got for it, and rightly so—it looks cool. People were always asking me where I got it.

Connect with Daniel on Twitter @parent_progress

Ryan O’Loughlin – Student of Life

These are Ryan O’Loughlin’s good things.

Good things to read.

Well, I’d have to go with a few classics here. Rich Dad Poor Dad was the first book that really shifted my mindset, and ever since then I’ve never stopped learning about business. The Four Hour Workweek is my second favorite book of all time because it really broke the mold of the 9-5 lifestyle. And finally, The Education of Millionaires by Michael Ellsberg is a great read for anyone who isn’t sure about the investment of college.  Oh, and how could I forget The Millionaire Fast Lane?


Good things to watch.

I am not a huge fan of TV, but for things to watch I like For example, this talk on dieting – Minding your Mitochondria –  is very educational and this talk – Play is More than Fun – is great too. I also go to YouTube for interesting videos or tutorials. 

Good things to use.

If you travel a lot, I recommend Tripit. It’s a Smartphone app that syncs your airline, hotel, and restaurant reservations on your smart phone. Just makes traveling easier. I also just joined Charles Schwab Bank. Their mobile app is awesome, because you can take pictures of checks and they will be deposited into your account. Also, their checking account has virtually no fees or minimums, which is great for everyone, especially an international traveler.

Mike Mikolay – airline sales

These are Mike Mikolay’s good things.

Good things to read:

Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It – Gary Taubes. The title gives it all away but this book provides an interesting perspective on how our eating patterns have evolved as well as possibly contributed to the growing issues of obesity, etc. Read this right after another favorite, The Omnivore’s Dilemma which I read back to back in a period of my reading that seemed to be focused on food.

The Kiplinger Letter This gem is delivered to my inbox each Friday evening. A great way to stay on top of current events, finance and general business type metrics for those on the go.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki This should be required reading for every graduating high school senior before they embark on the next chapter of their lives. Perhaps waiting that long may be a mistake since I know that I’ll be sharing this book with my kids earlier than that. Some great lessons on how to handle money and grow your financial intelligence.

Good things to watch:

Modern Family. With three little kids, a busy work life and no real time (nor desire) to watch TV, my wife and I still make time to watch this series week after week. It’s earned itself a permanent place on my “must DVR” list.

Ted Talks Great way to fill an extra 10-15 minutes. Haven’t viewed one yet that didn’t show something new.

Army-Navy Football Game – GO NAVY! BEAT ARMY! It started when my brother attended the Naval Academy as our family took notice each December. I was quickly drawn in to the rivalry, the history and was filled with patriotism each time I either attended in person or watched the game on TV. Just as good as the game is all the “spirit spots” that the various entities of the military puts together to help cheer for either Navy or Army. More importantly, there are few words that can summarize the emotion and feeling one gets when watching BOTH teams stand together in front of their fellow classman singing each other’s alma mater’s. I know of no other rivalry where after doing battle for four quarters, the tradition of coming together as one in their mutual service to our country is perhaps even more important than the actual game.

Good things to use:

Trello I continue to evolve how I manage my day-to-day tasks as well as keep a handle on large, long term projects. I started with Outlook task lists, graduated to a custom form which went through three iterations and then settled in with Trello about 6 months ago. I haven’t looked back and for the first time as long as I can remember, I don’t feel the need to change my process.

Dual Universal GPS Receiver – This gadget wirelessly provides a GPS signal to a variety of gadgets via Bluetooth. I bought it to provide more accurate location information for my iPad as well as my Blackberry which I use as either an in car GPS when on the road (no longer have to pay Hertz $14+/day for Neverlost!) or for Apps that need GPS (think Golfshot). Paid for itself in a few trips and helps me get to where I need to go.

Reeder – I’m big into using Google Reader to aggregate all the blogs and or other items that I like to read on my iPad each day. I love the format as well as how it syncs to Google. The plug-ins also make it so easy to share items that I find interesting.