the office

Mur Lafferty – Author

Mur Lafferty is a Campbell award winning author.  She hosts the wonderful I Should Be Writing podcast, and wrote The Shambling Guide to New York City.   These are her good things.

Good things to read.

Parasite by Mira Grant. I love Grant’s medical horror, it’s so detailed and that’s what makes it terrifying. She made me believe zombies could happen, in Feed, and now she’s made me believe many disgusting and beneficial things about parasites.

The Human Division by John Scalzi. I loved Scalzi’s Old Man’s War, but missed reading books 3 and 4. This is technically book 5, but I didn’t feel lost at all. Funny, powerful characters, and exciting SF.

Numenera by Monte Cook. This is an RPG game, but the world is so well thought out and fascinating, it’s worth reading even if you never end up playing.

Good things to watch.

Brooklyn 99.  I’m utterly obsessed with this new comedy. On top of tight, hysterical writing and well formed characters, they feature four people of color and one gay character. No jokes hinge on the gay character (except for one where it was funny that a very dense older cop didn’t realize his boss was gay), the women are all portrayed realistically (and forget about the Bechdel test, this blows it away.)

Frozen Frozen Frozen! Best Disney movie in history! Best pro girl story! A clear obvious win for best original song Oscar! Love this movie.

Hm. I don’t watch much else new television. I play a lot of computer games and watch Arrested Development and The Office (US) in the background when I cook or do laundry.

Good things to use.

External phone batteries. I’m very guilty of letting my phone battery die, or hover around 20%, and having an external battery to plug into is a lifesaver, especially when traveling.

The Walk and Zombies, Run!– These are two apps from the game company Six to Start, and even though they’re unconnected story-wise, they focus on walking or running, with a story going in your ears that requires your exercise. Your frequent movement causes you to pick up virtual items that you can later use to enhance the game or unlock other levels.

Electric blankets, because damn, polar vortex.

Connect with Mur on Twitter, @MightyMur.

Dennis Heenan – founder of BodyFit Formula

These are Dennis Heenan’s good things.

Good things to read:

The Primal Blueprint. The ultimate guide to living healthy, getting more out of life, and simply being awesome. Fun and easy read!

Today Matters by John C Maxwell is one of the most life changing books I have ever read. The 12 daily disciplines he covers can be applied directly to anyone’s life. This is a book I can read over and over because of the encouragement and confidence it instills in you.

Mastering the Seven Decisions by Andy Andrews. Andy discusses 7 habits that ALL highly successful individuals have, and how each of us can learn these and apply them to our lives. Andy studied successful individuals for years and noticed they all had seven traits in common. He shares and expands on each trait to help you become a better overall person.

Good things to watch.

Food Inc. covers the eye opening truths about where your foods actually come from. This film makes you more aware of what goes on in the food industry and is a must see!

Ted Talks. Educational, inspirational, and highly fascinating.

The Office. The greatest TV show ever made. No matter what time of day, The Office is always something that will give you a good laugh.

Good things to use.

Kettlebell. Aside from your own body, this is the most powerful piece of exercise equipment on the planet. Burning up to 20 calories per minute, you can expect to see some great results from this simple movement.

iPad. I use my iPad for just about everything: calendar, reading books, taking notes, writing, to-do lists, and more. As a bonus, I recommend grabbing a wireless keyboard if you are going to be doing lots of writing or note taking with it!

Sigg Water Bottle. We all know the importance of water