
Bonnie Zink – Knowledge, Mobilization, Professional, and Social Media Strategist

These are Bonnie Zink‘s good things.

Good things to read.

It is my belief that reading books is magical and, combined with a little imagination, has the power to transport us to other worlds. We can travel through time, empathize with historical figures through the eyes of modern day perspectives, and enjoy a whimsical escape from our own reality into the reality of someone else. My top picks for good things to read are:

Philippa Gregory – the Cousin’s War series is my favourite – shows gives voice to the women of history. Watch the rise and fall of King Richard III through the eyes of the women around him.

Diana Gabaldon transports us to the middle ages where perseverance is rewarded and love prevails.

The Awakened Series by Jason Tesar blends the genres of fantasy, sci-fi, and military/political suspense to keep entertained right to very last turn of the page.

Good things to watch.

Whether you catch up the news of the day or your latest happenings in reality TV, it is nice to switch from the printed word to watch someone else’s imagination play out on the screen in front of you.

Shakespearean drama is played out all around us every day. Enjoy a little romance and comedy mixed with the tragedy of star crossed lovers in Shakespeare in Love

Shakespeare ReTOLD is a BBCOne series that brings the Bard’s words to life in modern day surroundings. Watch as Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, “MacBeth,” is relocated to the heated world of a top restaurant kitchen.

Of course, no great movie night would be complete without watching Elizabeth Taylor portray the shrewish of wife of Petruchio, a fortune-hunting scoundrel, in Taming of the Shrew.

Good things to use.

I was not born a digital native, but have become situated nicely in the digital world. I make my living by telling the stories of my clients on blogs, through social media, and in print. Three great things that allow me to do what I do are:

Evernote  “remembers everything!” This note taking application is truly friendly across all platforms and devices. It allows me to access what I need to know anytime, anywhere, and from any device. Thanks to Evernote, I am now completely paperless and enjoy the freedom of not being locked down to a heavy filing cabinet or hard drive.

Social media (in general) allows me to converse, connect, and share great content around the world. I meet someone new each and every day while engaging with new ideas and knowledge. Find me on Twitter: @bonniezink

Cloud computing hits my top three favourite tools list. Cloud computing opens up the world to me. I work from many devices and many places. With Google Drive and UbuntuOne cloud services my work and my life follows me. All my data, contacts, projects follow me where ever I happen to be.

Dan Andrews – founder of TropicalMBA

These are Dan Andrews good things.

Good things to read.

When Dan was getting out of debt he still wanted to read, budgeting 10% of his take home pay or books.  Some of those on that list were Purple Cow, The Ultimate Sales Machine, and The 4-Hour Work Week.

Good things to watch.

Besides people watching and south Asian scenery? Dan says that he limits what he watches now although he would “gorge himself” on The West Wing while in college.  The main reason is “I don’t feel like I need to get away from my business to be entertained.”

Good things to use.

Dan is on Twitter and does the Tropical Talk radio podcast.  “When you record audio for anything, make sure your mic plugs in with a USB. Anything else sounds bad. Toss in a little EQ and compression in FREE audacity and boom, you’ll sound like a pro.”  He also updates what he reads on his Kindle and uses Instapaper and noise cancelling headphones on all his flights.

Jeff Bezos – CEO

These are Jeff Bezos‘ good things.

Good things to read.

A Business Insider post featured Bezos’ reading list.  Remains of the Day is one of his favorite books along with Built to Last by Jim Collins. One of his nonfiction favorites is Dune, saying to Fast Company “I’m a big science-fiction fan. I love Dune. That’s not a nonfiction narrative, of course, but it would be cool if it was!”

Good things to watch.

In the same Fast Company interview Bezos listed Dr. Stranglove as his favorite movie and enjoying the work of Peter Selllers and Mike Myers.

Good things to use.

In an interview with Forbes, Bezos admitted to using both a Kindle Paperwhite and FireHD.  What did he read? The Hydrogen Sonata.  If where Bezos invests his money indicates his good things then Twitter, 37Signals, AirBNB, MakerBot, and Uberamong others – are some good things.

Chris Rock – comedian

Chris Rock, comedian, actor, and television producer thinks these are some good things.

What are some good things you’ve read?

Side Effects by Woody Allen.

Nigger by Dick Gregory.

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.

What are some good things you’ve watched?

Rock tweeted that this Charlie Chaplin clip was ‘the best.’

Lost in Translation “I remember bumping into Sofia Coppola, and I said: “Dude, ‘Lost in Translation’ is, like, the blackest movie. Bill Murray, that’s exactly what it feels like to be black and rich.” It’s not horrible. It’s a little off.”

Man on Fire.

What are some good things you’ve used?


Lemonade and Starbucks.

“The best sandwich I’ve ever had in the United States is the Shrimp and Bacon Sandwich at The Cheesecake Factory,” Chris says. “I know it sounds crazy. Shrimp and bacon. Incredible. Whoa.”

Ellen Degeneres – comedian

These are Ellen Degeneres’ good things.

What are some good things you’ve read?

Main Street Vegan by Victoria Moran helps outline practical baby steps toward a vegan diet. She also offers great tips for being vegan on a budget and looking at being vegan from an “every day” perspective. It has practical advice and inspiration for everyone interested in going vegan, no matter what tax bracket you’re in!”

For the Sender: Four Letters. Twelve Songs. One Story “is a beautiful book and album by singer/songwriter Alex Woodard, that follows his journey of letting go of his best friend, a labrador named Kona.”
Zoobiquity: What Animals can Teach us about Health and the Science of Healing.  “After being asked to consult on an unusual patient, an Emperor tamarin at the Los Angeles Zoo, Barbara Natterson-Horowitz started a fascinating journey to discover the parallels between humans and their animal friends. Her results were astonishing.”
These good reads and more can be found at books Ellen reads.
What are some good things you’ve watched?
“One of my favorite movies of the year was Beginners, starring Ewan McGregor and Christopher Plummer.”
What are some good things you’ve used?
Twitter Where she wished the President a happy anniversary “Happy anniversary @MichelleObama & @BarackObama! The traditional gift for 20 years is china. Please remember they’re talking about plates.”
Clarks shoes, how did she get them? “Today I gave everyone in my audience a $100 gift card for Clarks shoes, so I decided to wear a pair today. Want to know how I bought them? I told Clarks I have 280 people in my audience. There are only 279.”

Jack Dorsey – start-up artist

These are Jack Dorsey’s good things.

What are some good things you’ve read?

Born to Run.

The Checklist Manifesto. “These books disappear from my desk. You should read it too”

This Jackson Pollock article at Vanity Fair.

What are some good things you’ve watched?

Dorsey retweeted, to “watch the Life of Pi trailer and you will believe,” and another retweet tempted you to “watch this and try not to dance.

And Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee in Cars “is brilliant.”

What are some good things you’ve used?

He checks Twitter first thing in the morning, cites Cheez-It snacks as a guilty pleasure, and waking at 5:30 for a run. And for payments, Square of course.