
Graham Hunt – Spanish Real-Estate Entrepreneur

Graham Hunt is a real estate property developer in Valencia Spain. He’s created YouTube videos for his real-estate company, included 100 tips for moving to Spain,and is the author of Laptop Entrepreneur. These are his good things.

Good things to read.

High Fidelity.  The first Nick Hornby book I read was Fever Pitch of course, a book that summed everything up about being a football fan. High Fidelity summed everything up about being a bloke. The obsessive lists, the compilation tapes, the emotional depth of a blancmange, the self centredness, everything. Just like I could have been Gregory in the film below I could definitely have been Rob in this book. The film version was good by the way, excellent casting of John Cusack, but it just wasn’t “quite” as good.

Choose Yourself. James Altucher’s book has been my go to toilet book for the last year (And believe me that is high praise indeed) The idea that we are in the middle of a sea change in the way we do things in the World Economy and that the old certainties enjoyed by our parents’ generation have disappeared as jobs, careers and life has been outsourced abroad has meant that I have started looking at everything in a new way. The idea of Choosing Yourself and most convincingly the way to become an ideas machine have changed me enormously. Two new businesses later and a huge change in the way I look at any problem mean that now it doesn’t look as if I will be changing my toilet reading for a time yet.

The 4-Hour Workweek. I got this book immediately as a mindset thing but every time I revisit it I get more out of it now. (Would love Tim Ferriss to do an updated version right now with so many other tools out there and so many success stories too).

The point that most people miss about the 4HWW is that it is not a treatise on how to be “lazy” and work four hours a week while supping Margaritas under a palm tree in a hammock (Despite the cover art) What it really is are a series of tools to use to become ultra efficient. I have never even approached four hours work a week, in fact i think I am on about 70 a week at the moment. What I am doing though is the work of 300 hours in those 70. And yes you might say I am missing the point too as the aim of the book wasn’t to give you more time to do more. However I have been able to make time for great holidays now and if I want to take time out and do other stuff I just do. I choose my clients and I choose my projects. Nothing is forced on me and that for me is key.

Good things to watch.


Gregory’s Girl. Probably the greatest movie ever 😉 OK it’s cheap, it’s low tech and it’s somewhat risqué in some of the lines looking back on it now. However, I was Gregory and so was every other lad I knew at school, in fact I probably still am. If a girl ever needs to get into what the head of a teenage boy in the 80’s was then just watch this film. Awkwardness, insecurity, white jackets, football and a strange attraction to obscure facts about Caracas. What more could you ask for?

Salvados. The only programme worth watching on Spanish television. Jordi Evole is the innocent going around letting the corrupt, the inept, the self important and the bastards hang themselves with their own words. With such a huge range of potential targets to have a go at in this country, Salvados never usually misses the target. Using a style of interviewing that allows the “victim” to talk themselves into a corner where there is no escape, Evole does a great job of making the corrupt seem like slime in their own words and his reactions to their admissions are priceless.

Derek. Some people love Ricky Gervais and some people don’t. I am in the former camp. However Derek could well be the best thing that he has ever done. The Office was superb, Extras was fantastic. An Idiot Abroad had some brilliant bits and Life’s Too Short was… meh! Derek tugs at the heartstrings and also hits home runs on the comedy. Always remember that “Kindness is magic”

Good things to use.

The Valencia Cricket Ground.  Three years ago I helped to start up a cricket club in Valencia, Spain… yes cricket in Spain. Two years ago I managed to set up a couple of meetings meaning we got to share the Valencia baseball ground. We have rechristened the ground as the VCG and every time we use it we love it.

My iPhone/iPad.  I mostly run my businesses from my iPad and iPhone. If the iPhone is more than a metre away from me consider it a mistake. If the iPad is more than a few metres away consider it a panic attack. Why? Well they are my entertainment, my information, my work tools and of course my communications tool. I am not going to go into the apps that I use but these two things just rock for me as they work so well together along with the MacBook at home for integrated workflows.

The Grey Matter. The more I challenge my brain to come up with creative solutions to problems and issues the better it becomes at sorting things out. And I give it a lot of challenges. If I had to give advice to someone on how to use their grey matter it would be as follows:

Never let it go to mush by watching TV like the X Factor, reading stuff like the Daily Mail and repeating celebrity gossip. You have a brain for a reason. Make the most of it.

Connect with Graham, and his brain on Twitter, @grahunt to talk cricket, Spanish real-estate, or to just thank him for his good things.

Michael Cummings – Writer (of many things)

By day, Michael Cummings manages IT Operations for monkey-powered geek e-retailer ThinkGeek.com. By night, his other hats include father of three, failed novelist, and sometimes book reviewer. These are his good things.

Good things to read.

Science In Your Own Backyard by Elizabeth K. Cooper. Incredibly dated now, but when I was kid I lived in a world that was filled with dated books, so I took what I could get. This book wasa constant companion in fourth and fifth grade. I don’t think I ever did any of the actual experiments in the book – mine were always based on but widely different, probably on account of reading it 25 or more years after it was published. But I think everyone should have a book like this, a book that serves to fuel our curiosity and imagination. Science books from the 50’s were always so optimistic that with just a little bit of  time and tinkering, you could build anything in your backyard.

The Martian by Andy Weir. A very recent read, and a book that’s getting some geek touting because of the science, which isn’t bad, but for me it was more because it was just a lot of fun. When we finally concede to growing up and becoming professionals, we spend a lot of time reading things we don’t want to. The Martian? Pure fun, and easy to overlook its faults for the sheer excitement. MacGyver on Mars, which sounds like Robinson Crusoe on Mars, but there were no space monkeys to be seen.

Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury. It’s no secret I spend my free time stringing words together in the hopes that some day they  will make enough sense to share with other folks. Bradbury’s anecdotal guide to writing isn’t a technical manual on the craft, but a great way to feel inspired about the act of writing. Highly recommended for anyone who understands the mechanics well enough but needs that extra shove out the door.

Good things to watch.

Connections [1,2,3]. I watched this on tv back in the 90’s, mind blown. Each episode James Burke would take a piece of modern life and show you the twisted, warped road of connections that linked that thing to something crazily obscure. The synchronicity in life can be strange and fantastic and its fun to be reminded of that.

Q.I. My wife and I have quickly become addicted to this show. Plus, we are accidentally learning strange and trivial things. Most of its knowledge that would only be good for a pub quiz, and sometimes the show veers far, far off topic, but its tends to be, well, Quite

The Princess Bride. Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles…what’s not to love?!? One thing about this movie still bothers me, though. Princess Buttercup isn’t eaten by the giant eels “at this time.” Those three words have haunted me my entire life, because the implications are right there. Not now, not tomorrow, but someday, she’s going to be out on those waters and bam, that’s it for Buttercup. Gripping.

Good things to use.

Lastpass, because as I’m fond of pointing out, I’m a browser whore. Today I’m using chrome, but then I’ll randomly decide I want to exploit the integration of safari for a while, or need to use a clean browser and pull up vanilla Firefox. Lastpass lets me do that by keeping all of my account info in one place and letting me be browser agnostic, making it trivial to switch without having to drag baggage with me.

The iPad. I know my iPad2 isn’t quite up to the retina standard of the newer models, but that’s fine by me. This one device lets me read anything in my digital libraries (kindle and ibooks), casually browse the web, do some light writing or editing, and still has the capacity for entertainment. We dreamed of having something this portable computing powerhouse when we were kids, and now I have one in my house. I am living la vita futura,

A library card. I don’t use mine nearly as much as I should, partly because I’ve been spoiled with the immediate gratification of ebooks, but too many people forget the power of a library card. I’ve always been fortunate enough to live in places where cards were free for residents, but even if I had to pay out of pocket, I would. A library card is that magical key that unlocks an entire universe or resources.

Connect with Michael on Twitter, @KoderMike.

Max Gladstone – Author

Max Gladstone is a novelist, author of Three Parts Dead and Two Serpents Rise and the up-coming Full Fathom Five.  He was also a 2013 Campbell Award nominee and these are his good things.

Good things to read.

I’m on record all over the internet encouraging people to read Roger Zelazny and Dorothy Dunnett, so let’s treat those as a given for the purposes of this exercise and focus on more recent discoveries.

John M. Ford, basically everything, but The Final Reflection and The Dragon Waiting will be the easiest to find.  I was introduced to John M Ford’s work at Boskone this year and I’m now in a desperate frenzy to track as much of it down as possible. He’s a great writer, fast-moving and densely plotted while at the same time deeply concerned with his characters as human beings rather than Story Engines. His prose is poetical in the elevated sense of “elegant sentences garnished with perfect detail” rather than the failure mode of “so purple it looks like someone’s been at it with a carpet beater.” And he’s funny! Read him if you haven’t already.

Sara Gran’s, Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead.  Gran’s two psychedelic detective novels are brilliantly written mystical journeys into the souls of cities and the people who live there. Claire DeWitt, ex-girl sleuth and World’s Greatest Detective, is a student of a French school of detection that employs dreams, the I Ching, and drug-addled visionquests as much as old-fashioned policework. These books are sharply observed, well-written, horrific and beautiful and mind-expanding by turns. A lesser writer might use this territory to play pure metafictional games, but Gran’s as interested in the social reality of her settings—post-Katrina New Orleans and modern San Francisco—as in authorial gamesmanship. I don’t know any books quite like these, and I can’t wait for the next in her series.

Saga.  Saga is a rip-roaring space opera about the karmic consequences of violence, starring a woman with wings and a guy with horns, their baby, and their ghost baby sitter. They’re fugitives from opposite sides of an interstellar war, being pursued by a robot prince and a mercenary with a psychic sentient cat and an infinitely extensible lance. Read this book. Read it now. In fact why are you still reading this article when you could be reading Saga, or Claire DeWitt, or something by John M Ford?

Good things to watch.

BBC Sherlock.  My wife and I recently came through a very intense span of work, and are only now settling down to catch up on the third season of Sherlock. I know, I know! But man, I missed this show. The actors remain amazing. I would watch most of these people read from the phone book in combinations, and Martin Freeman’s Watson continues to be the emotional core of the show, and the defining modern Watson. Though I’m given to understand I should check out Lucy Liu in Elementary.

The Wire.  This is a master class in storytelling disguised as a show. I’ve started watching with notebook in hand, and after every episode I go back through to dissect what the writers are doing. Of course the actors are great, and the show does this wonderful job of showing us moral ambiguity rather than showing people talk about it. Also, Idris Elba, who Idris Elba.

The Lego Movie.  This may be the best Batman movie ever made. Bonus points for sneaking neat theological issues like God’s relationship with time and art into a movie about block toys! Also +1 for the duplos reference at the end.

Good things to use.

Mechanical Keyboard.  I like it when my keyboard clicks. It lets me know I’m actually doing something. I use a Leopold Tenkeyless with Cherry MX Blue switches, and it feels like espresso for the fingers.

iPad.  Tablets are a personal gift from Computer God to writers. They’re lousy as a rule for composition, but they’re ideal editing machines: the portrait orientation resembles a piece of paper enough to shock me out of screen-reading-aimless-skim mode. My iPad has made the infinite redrafting process a lot faster and more pleasant. The new iPad Air is also light enough to hold for hours at a time without giving myself horrible RSIs.

Standing Desk.  I do my best writing—and I mean here the actual core productivity “adding words to novel” stuff—while sitting down, but I spend a lot of time on the computer writing blog posts, responding to email, editing, and doing a bunch of other stuff that isn’t core but without which the core would just sort of flop around the universe like an ungainly literary catfish. Standing desks are awesome. And when you use a standing desk, you can dance while you’re working—like I’m doing right now!

Connect with Max on Twitter, @MaxGladstone.

Liz Hand – Author

Liz Hand is an author, critic, punk and teacher of all three; these are her good things.

Good things to read.

Helen Zahavi’s brilliant 1991 Dirty Weekend (published in the US as The Weekend) featured a complex, vengeful, takes-no-prisoners female protagonist decades before the current crop of noir anti-heroines.  Referencing Graham Greene’s Brighton Rock and Ernst Pabst’s classic silent film Pandora’s Box, among other works,  Zahavi’s novel cuts like broken glass, is often very funny, and can be devoured in one reading — I whipped through it in about two hours.

The Complete Poems of C.P. Cavafy, translation by Rae Dalven, introduction by W.H. Auden.  I first read Cavafy’s elegiacal poems when I was a teenager (Lawrence Durrell’s Alexandria Quartet pointed the way) and have never stopped returning to them — he is among the greatest modern poets exploring desire.  I have a sentimental attachment to Rae Dalven’s translation, but there are  excellent, more recent ones by Daniel Mendelsohn, Edmund Keeley, and Stratis Haviaras, among others.

Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk, by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain.  If you weren’t there for the birth and flowering (mal-fleuring?) of punk, you’ll be able to fake it after reading this. Based on trailers, the forthcoming CBGB movie ripped off all the best parts.

Good things to watch.

Man on Wire.  An amazing documentary about Phillipe Petit’s extraordinary 1974 tightwire walk between the newly-completed Twin Towers.  An elegy for a lost world that moves like a brilliant caper film.  Watch it and you’ll feel like anything is possible.

Insects.  Research shows how important it is for us to maintain our connection to the natural world, something increasingly difficult to maintain as more and more of it disappears.  But you can still find insects everywhere: in a garden, on the sidewalk, on houseplants.  I find it weirdly meditative to watch them — okay, maybe not cockroaches — residents of an unimaginably complex world that we share. I’ve seen moths that look like bumblebees and hummingbirds, and seen pearl-sized spiders change color from ivory to green when they’re moved from one rose to another.  They’ll be around long after we’re gone: probably a good idea to be nice to them.

Top of the Lake.  A co-production of BBC Two, the Sundance Channel, and Australia/New Zealand’s UKTV, this seven-episode miniseries is the best thing I’ve seen since the first season of Twin Peaks.  Gorgeous NZ setting and stellar casting, including Jacqueline Joe as the pregnant twelve-year-old who goes missing, Elizabeth Moss in a role that will that erase memories of her turn as Peggy on Mad Men, and Holly Hunter as a stone-faced cult leader who seems to be channeling Patti Smith via Georgia O’Keefe.  Worth it just to hear Hunter rail “What are these crazy bitches doing?”

Good things to use.

Sunscreen, SPF 30.  Don’t argue: just put it on.

A worm farm.  Mine is from the Worm Factory, and I bought it used (worms included).  It’s small enough to fit in a corner at the top of my basement steps.  You save all your kitchen waste — basically, everything except for dairy and citrus (and banana peels, which draw fruit flies), put it in the top drawer along with some dry leaves or damp newspaper, and a few weeks later it’s magically ALL TURNED TO DIRT. And worms.   I put the compost on my garden and grew the best tomatoes I’ve ever had.  It doesn’t smell, the design is elegant and efficient, and if you have kids they’ll probably love it.  Plus it’s a great use for coffee grounds.

An iPad.  I have an iPad 2 I bought a few years back and love it, despite the fact that I only upgraded to IOS 5 a few weeks ago.  It really is like having the entire world in your hands.  Except for the insects and worms.

Connect with Liz on Twitter, @Liz_Hand.

Kristine Kathryn Rusch – Author

Kristine Kathryn Rusch writes fiction under several names, including the bestselling Retrieval Artist series. She also edits Fiction River, an eclectic magazine, and runs a surprisingly popular (to her, anyway) website at www.kristinekathrynrusch.com.

Good things to read.

Santiago by Mike Resnick.  It’s rare for a novel to remain in print these days, let alone stay in print for more than two decades. I read Mike Resnick’s sf classic, Santiago, when it came out and I still remember it to this day. Mike writes classic space opera here and, as a fan of all things space opera, I can’t get enough of that.

Hopscotch by Kevin J. Anderson: I’ve known Kevin most of my life (really) and he wrote this novel as an answer-story to one of my stories, “Stained Black.” Think about this: what if you could switch bodies with someone? Would you steal their life? Kev has an apocalyptic imagination and a thriller sensibility, and he brings both to bear here.

In Hero Years…I’m Dead by Michael A. Stackpole: A confession here. When I got asked to do the three things, I got asked because I’m in a Storybundle with Mike & Michael & Kevin, and I was asked to promote my own book, The Disappeared,  the first book in my Retrieval Artist series. The Disappeared is one of the titles you can get for any price you want to set. But I’m really lousy at Shameless Self Promotion. I can’t honestly tell you it’s the best book in the bunch because I’m the worst judge of my own work. Instead, I’m going to close this with Mike Stackpole’s marvelous super-hero noir novel, In Hero Years…I’m Dead. Mike calls it what you would get if Dashiell Hammett had written The Watchmen, and yeah, it is. So read, enjoy, and have some fun. I’m off to do the same.

Good things to watch.

Orphan Black. One of  the best shows on television in acting and in writing. You can find it on BBC America, but before the new season starts next year, order the first season. Titiana Maslany plays (at my count) six different clones, and they are all different and distinct. It’s an acting feat extraordinaire, which would make the series worth watching all by itself, except…the plot’s good, the story’s riveting, and the writing is spot-on.

Comfort and Joy. One of my favorite movies of all time and, sadly, only available on VHS. Yes, I said VHS. This is a Bill Forsyth movie which, if I describe it to you, will make me sound like a lunatic. So find a copy and enjoy it. Then write to someone (although I’m not sure who) and beg them to put this thing out on DVD and streaming. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wonder how anyone thinks of this stuff.

The Good Wife.  Since I gave you two obscure things, let me point you to something accessible. The Good Wife has a stupid name for a TV program and the description of the series sounds completely off-putting. With the exception of the first few episodes of Season 4, it has the best writing on television (cable or network) and it’s got a great cast. It comments about the issues of the day, and presents a believable look at a large Chicago law firm, as well as politics and family relationships. Plus you can’t miss Michael J. Fox’s repeating guest shots as Louis J. Canning. (Not to mention Nathan Lane, and tons of other Broadway actors who come in and out for memorable guest turns.)

Good things to use.

A Tablet.  I use an iPad, but there are so many good ones that I hesitate to restrict you to just one. My husband, who is not a tech geek, forced me to buy one a few years ago. I am a tech geek, and thought I didn’t need one. Now, I love me my iPad. I use it all the time, for reading, for web browsing, for watching videos, and for watching TV I missed. I also use it for things I will not admit to like Angry Birds. No, I don’t play Angry Birds. Really, I don’t. Honest.

Kobo Mini. Kobo might discontinue the manufacture of the mini because it didn’t sell to expectations, so buy one while you can. It’s so tiny; it’s the size of a mass market paperback, but it has a great screen and it’s really light. You can stuff it in your pocket or in your purse. And Kobo, with its international flavor, has a completely different list of available books than Amazon.

iPod Classic. Yeah, I know, they’re so passé. But the thing I love about the iPod Classic is its focus. It doesn’t do much besides store your library and play music. You can store your music in the cloud or use your computer to play tunes, but the iPod goes into your pocket and travels with you. It doesn’t use bandwidth that you might use for, say, streaming a movie in the other room. When I want to listen to music, I use my iPod (and its various docks, etc). Because I have other Apple products, I can easily move part of my library to them, and finally iTunes got wise, allowing you to move the music you downloaded not from iTunes to your other devices. So the ancient Pod is useful once again.

Kimberly Love – designer, writer

Kimberly Love – Kimberly is a Universal Designer who designs and writes about interiors, websites, and senior living. LoveDesignInc.com & LoveSeniorLiving.com.

Good things to read.

The Vein of Gold by Julia Cameron. This book is an extension of the Artist’s Way both by Julia Cameron. Julia leads you through a series of exercises that help you understand who you really are, what really matters, and how you became that individual. I wish the audio version was available digitally because I have worn out the cassette version.

Making a Living without a Job – Barbara Winters. Barbara has been inspiring folks to do the work they were meant to do since the 80’s. I met this inspiring lady at a lecture here in Orlando, FL. The idea of working for yourself was in its infancy back then. As someone with diverse interests and talents, I love her chapter on multiple profit centers.

Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit, A Son Remembers by Sean Hepburn Ferrer. Sean writes lovingly about his mother Audrey Hepburn in this touching tribute. We tend to forget that this brilliant actress and Ambassador for Unicef was also a loving mother. My own mother gave me this book which adds to the meaning.

Good things to watch.

We Bought a Zoo. I watched this movie with my kids and my son, Alex gave me a copy for Christmas. This movie is inspiring because it is based on a true story and the struggles of doing the work you are passionate about doing. My favorite line is when the father (Matt Damon) says to his son (Colin Ford), “Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.”

Fixing the Future – PBS. This documentary showed how cities all around the USA are coping with the “New Economy” and coming up with creative ways to not just survive but thrive.

Under the Tuscan Sun. I love this story about turning strangers into family, loving yourself, & loving your life. The gorgeous Italian scenery is perfect for whenever I need a mental vacation.

Good things to use.

Nike + with my Nike walking shoes. This ingenious product coupled with my comfy Nike’s makes my walks more fun. It tracks how much I walk and I love the positive feedback from sport’s stars.

Starbucks Via’s. These are great to throw in your suitcase and keep in your desk drawer. All I need is some hot water to enjoy my favorite coffee addiction.

iPad with Brookstone Projector. The iPad is truly an amazing creation. I am a book nut with shelves in every room that are overflowing. I love having my favorite books with me, being able to surf the net, watch a movie, and listen to pod casts anywhere. My father gave me the Brookstone Projector which is great for presentations & speaking engagements without having to lug around a big projector and a computer. Recently, I have been giving presentations on Encore Entrepreneurs, Niching Your Business for Greater Reach & Designing Your Home for Accessibility.

Kimberly is on Twitter, @KimberlyLoveWeb

Carrie Smith – financial strategist

These are Carrie Smith’s good things.

Good things to read.

The Start-up of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha. This book makes up my top five list of books I’ve read in the past two years. We all need to invest in ourselves to be successful — to treat our lives and careers as a start-up!

Dream Save Do by Warren and Betsy Talbot. I already read the first edition of this book and fell in love with it, but the second edition is even better. If you want to turn your dreams into a living, breathing reality then this book will give you the tools you need to succeed.

The Pumpkin Plan by Michael Michalowicz. This book is a fantastic combination of all the business books out there. All of the best but simple business principles are wrapped up into this book, with some excellent analogies to learn from.

Good things to watch.

ABC’s Shark Tank. I’ve learned a ton of business lessons from this show. The most important one, is to know your numbers — no matter what kind of business you run, if you’re in a leadership position this is vital.

Chopped. A show about food, competition and money? Yes please! Just like in life, in order to win the prize you’ve got to be creative, work well with others and keep your cool under pressure. This food competition show is a guilty pleasure of mine!

The Cosby Show. This is a classic and Bill Cosby is by far my favorite actor. This show is lighthearted, funny and entertaining. It totally hits me with a dose of nostalgia from the 80’s and 90’s.

Good things to use.

A spending plan. Yes, as a financial geek I had to sneak that in here! Without a spending plan (aka budget) I wouldn’t be debt-free, be able to invest for the future, or save up for a month-long summer vacation this year. Seriously, a spending plan will change your financial life!

An eReader. Electronic books and eReaders are a must-have, and I would be lost without my iPad, with both iBooks and Kindle apps. Of course a Kindle or Nook is just as great too, you don’t know what you’re missing till you get an eReader.

Google Calendar. Stop trying to remember everything, keep track of everything and do everything. Write down all your to-do lists, tasks and meetings into Google Calendar. You’ll be surprised how clear your head becomes (and how much more productive you become) when you don’t have all those things floating around.

Dennis Heenan – founder of BodyFit Formula

These are Dennis Heenan’s good things.

Good things to read:

The Primal Blueprint. The ultimate guide to living healthy, getting more out of life, and simply being awesome. Fun and easy read!

Today Matters by John C Maxwell is one of the most life changing books I have ever read. The 12 daily disciplines he covers can be applied directly to anyone’s life. This is a book I can read over and over because of the encouragement and confidence it instills in you.

Mastering the Seven Decisions by Andy Andrews. Andy discusses 7 habits that ALL highly successful individuals have, and how each of us can learn these and apply them to our lives. Andy studied successful individuals for years and noticed they all had seven traits in common. He shares and expands on each trait to help you become a better overall person.

Good things to watch.

Food Inc. covers the eye opening truths about where your foods actually come from. This film makes you more aware of what goes on in the food industry and is a must see!

Ted Talks. Educational, inspirational, and highly fascinating.

The Office. The greatest TV show ever made. No matter what time of day, The Office is always something that will give you a good laugh.

Good things to use.

Kettlebell. Aside from your own body, this is the most powerful piece of exercise equipment on the planet. Burning up to 20 calories per minute, you can expect to see some great results from this simple movement.

iPad. I use my iPad for just about everything: calendar, reading books, taking notes, writing, to-do lists, and more. As a bonus, I recommend grabbing a wireless keyboard if you are going to be doing lots of writing or note taking with it!

Sigg Water Bottle. We all know the importance of water