
Brandon Epstein – Founder of Entrepreneur Fitness

Brandon Epstein is the founder of Entrepreneur Fitness  host of The Entrepreneur Fitness Podcast, where he coaches people on creating abundant energy, peak mental states, and optimal emotional health. These are his good things.

Good things to read.

The Alchemist. A powerful story about the power of intention and thoughts.

Think and Grow Rich. The bible for self help.

The Biology of Belief. Scientifically explains how our thoughts and emotions effect our cells and genes.

Good things to watch.

Tony Robbins TED Talk. The longest TED talk of all time. Captivating and powerful.

Any Oprah graduation speech.Great advice for anyone in a place of transition.

Will Smith Inspiration compilation. Incredibly inspiring.

Good things to use.

Basecamp.com. Best way to manage projects.

BetterYou. Best app for guided meditation.

VisionBox. Best app for designing lockscreens to attract your dream life.

Ask Brandon your question on Twitter, @Brandon_Epstein.

Tammy Strobel – writer and photographer

Tammy Strobel’s is a writer and photographer at Rowdy Kittens, a site about going small, thinking big, and being happy. She’s written three books and teaches classes on writing and photography.  These are her good things.

Good things to read.

This I Know by Susannah Conway.

The Best Care Possible by Ira Byock

On Writing by Stephen King.

Good things to watch.

Oprah’s Next Chapter is inspiring and interesting.

I’m fine, Thanks is a sweet documentary.

I can’t wait to watch Tiny; it’s a story about living small.

Good things to use.

The camera in your phone. I love iPhone photography because it enables me to capture everyday magic.

Zassenhaus coffee grinder. We recently purchased this coffee grinder for our tiny house and love it. It’s beautiful, durable, and it has a 25-year warranty.

A Fitbit. Get outside and start counting your steps.

JK Rowling – best selling author

These are JK Rowling’s good things.

What are some good things you’ve read?

Emma by Jane Austen. “You’re drawn into the story, and you come out the other end, and you know you’ve seen something great in action.”

Regarding Roddy Doyle, Rowling said “I love all his books.”

Cheri by Colette.  “Chéri is a love story between a very spoiled young man and his mistress who has “been there, done that.” He’s self-centered and vicious, and she ultimately turns out to be very noble. The final scene is incredibly moving; it makes me cry.”

More of Rowling’s bookshelf at Oprah.

What are some good things you’ve watched?

A Matter of Life and Death is my favorite film.”

The Fabulous Baker Boys.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I was Rowling’s favorite Potter book to movie adaptation.

What are some good things you’ve used?

There is this pen and paper sketch from Order of the Phoenix.

According to Scholastic, Rowling likes Sushi.